Friday, February 27, 2009


So for those of you that don't know Zach LOVES this stupid blanket.  Well it's really not even a blanket.  It a piece of material that he found in the closet one day and now can't stand to be with out it.  So my crazy boy, is always caring around this PINK blanket.  LOL.  So in this picture he has got his blanket and he is putting on Sam's dress shoes.  Can't get better than than.  I love that his toes are pointed.  LOL.  Connor told me not to put it on the website cuz it would hurt his feelings someday.  LOL 


TM CLAN said...

Pink is the new blue. My Travis has a pink one too that he refuses to give up even when his uncles make fun of him. LOL

Nice camera work, btw. Do you just love it?